
Transplant Rotation Overview


During your 24 months of training, you are likely to do:


  • 100 kidneys
  • 100 livers
  • 20 Pancreas
  • 50 HPB cases

Our fellows rotate through three primary roles for eight months each. There are two clinical rotations, the Kidney/Pancreas and the Liver Transplant Services, and a Donor / Research rotation. Typically, fellows spend two to three continuous months on a rotation and then switch. There is no predetermined order for the rotations.


A typical fellow would rotate for three months each between liver/HBP service and kidney/pancreas service.  


Liver/HPB Service 
(3 months)


  • 1st month – Donors with back table expectation and research papers. HPB residents will take over OR responsibilities.
  • 2nd month – OR and floor rounds. Paper rounds start at 9:30am with nurse practitioners. Physical rounds start at 10:30am with attendings except Thursday which is post-transplant clinic day.
  • 3rd month - OR and ICU rounds.  Fellows will be expected to know the ICU the details of the ICU patients early before the 9am rounds.

Clinic Expectations
Wednesday: Hepatobiliary Clinic at 2:30pm
Thursday:  Post-transplant clinic at 8:30am


Conference Expectations
Wednesday: 12p-2pm – Radiology/Tumor Board 
Thursday:  12p-2pm – Medical Review Board
Monthly: M&M/Journal Club


Kidney/Pancreas Service 
(3 months)


When on the Kidney/Pancreas rotation, you can chose 1 month on each of the following electives; vascular, pathology/immunology and urology. Kidney/Pancreas service usually has a senior resident who will take over the fellow’s role when on the elective month. 

Kidney table rounds start at 8:30am with the attending and physical rounds to follow. Tuesday and Wednesday are living donor kidney transplant days which usually start at 9:30am and therefore fellows will be expected to round early. Fellows are expected to be in the OR with attendings whenever there is a case. There is almost always a kidney transplant every day.  Whenever there is the possibility of going for a donor, you will be expected to go with the designated attending. You will likely be ASTS certified for pancreas (in addition to liver and kidney) at the end of the fellowship. 

Clinic Expectations
Monday: 1p-4pm – Post-Transplant Clinic
Wednesday & Thursday: 10am-12pm – Pre-Transplant Clinic

Conference Expectations
Monday: 12pm-1pm – Pathology
Thursday: 7am-8am – Medical Review Board
Monthly: M&M/Journal Club

Didactic Program

Abdominal Multi-organ Transplantation trainees will have the opportunity to attend and participate in the weekly/monthly transplant conferences related to both the clinical practice and the scientific foundations of transplantation. Below is a typical week of transplant-specific conferences:

Kidney/Pancreas/Liver Meetings and Conferences

  • Methodist J.C Walter. Jr. Transplant Center Grand Rounds
  • General Surgery Grand Rounds
  • Renal Immunology Review Board
  • MRB
  • Transplant Care Improvement Management Conference
  • Patient Selection Conference

Liver/HPM Meetings and Conferences

  • Liver Meeting
  • MRB

Additional reading assignments with presentation and Quality Improvement projects will be assigned throughout the training program.



Why train with us? 


  • Senior and young faculty with 100% commitment to educating the next generation of transplant surgeons

  • Busiest and fastest growing transplant center in Texas
  • One of the largest multi-organ transplant programs in the country
  • Over 450 transplants annually

  • Nationally and Internationally recognized faculty
  • Lap Donor Nephrectomy experience
  • High complexity cases and advanced surgical and medical therapeutics
  • Opportunity to train residents and interact with an advanced program of surgical education

Additional Educational Opportunities
  • Opportunities in Clinical Research using existing effective clinical research Infrastructure
  • Multiple basic science labs
  • Clinical Outcomes research program
  • Multiple investigator initiated phase II trials

What's Next
  • Launched living donor living transplant in 2019
  • Developing American  Society Transplant Surgeons simulation courses at our state of the art educational facilities