Message from the Program Director

Mark J. Hobeika,  MD, FACS

Thank you for your interest in our Abdominal Multi-Organ Transplantation Fellowship. We believe that we have the faculty expertise, clinical volume, and research opportunities to develop you into a future leader in transplantation. As our fellowship program’s new director, my responsibility is to focus on you so that you can reach your potential and achieve your career goals. We will work together to ensure that you achieve certification by the Transplant Accreditation and Certification Council for liver, kidney, and pancreas transplantation, as well as laparoscopic donor nephrectomy and multi-organ procurements. Perhaps most importantly, you will be a valued member of a close-knit team who will welcome you as a colleague as you take this critical step towards your future.

As you look closely at our fellowship I think you will find that the opportunities we offer rival any training program in the United States. Our transplant center is one of the largest in the country, performing over 500 solid organ transplants each year as well as a high volume of hepatobiliary and pancreatic operations. We provide unique services that expand the scope of transplantation including liver transplantation for intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma and colorectal metastases, large-scale internal kidney swaps, donation after circulatory death, and novel organ perfusion devices. And finally, our nationally-recognized faculty with leadership in several transplant societies provide a network that can open doors for future career opportunities.

I hope you will consider training with us in Houston, one of the largest and most diverse cities in the country. I would be more than happy to answer any questions – I look forward to hearing from you, email me any time.


Mark J. Hobeika, M.D., F.A.C.S.

Program Director, Abdominal Transplant Surgery Fellowship
Assistant Professor of Surgery
Weill Cornell Medical College
Houston Methodist Institute for Academic Medicine
Houston Methodist Center for Outcomes Research
Adjunct Assistant Professor Texas A&M College of Medicine
Houston Methodist Hospital J.C. Walter, Jr. Transplant Center