Stefano Casarin

Stefano Casarin, PhD

Assistant Research Professor of Surgery, Academic Institute
Assistant Research Member, Research Institute
Houston Methodist
Weill Cornell Medical College

Description of Research

Vision - Dr. Casarin's Research focuses on the development of in silico models to guide pre-clinical and clinical research in a more robust and more effective fashion. Working side-by-side with biologist and clinicians, Dr. Casarin and his team aim to create data-integrated in silico platforms with the ultimate goal of prioritizing therapeutic approaches that will most likely succeed and de-prioritizing the ones that will most likely fail.

Active projects - The fields of interest of Dr. Casarin mostly include vascular, cancer, and transplants:

  1. Vascular: i) modeling of atherosclerotic plaque formation in superior femoral arteries; ii) modeling of restenosis phenomenon in vein graft bypasses during post-surgical vascular adaptation; iii) in silico platform to optimize the development of gene therapies to improve the life expectancy of vein graft bypasses
  2. Cancer: i) modeling of prostate cancer bone metastasis establishment, development, and response to therapeutic agents; ii) application of neural networks to the identification of cellular nuceli of interest in the phenomenon of foreign body response; iii) modeling of colon-rectal cancer development and metastatic spreading
  3. Transplant: clinical data-driven in silico platform to optimize the management of brain dead donor patients for solid organ transplantation.

Areas Of Expertise

Computational Biology
Education & Training

PhD, Université de La Rochelle
MS, Politecnico Di Milano
BS, Universita di Padova

An agent-based model of cardiac allograft vasculopathy: toward a better understanding of chronic rejection dynamics
Serafini, E, Corti, A, Gallo, D, Chiastra, C, Li, XC & Casarin, S 2023, , Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, vol. 11, 1190409, pp. 1190409.

Multiscale agent-based modeling of restenosis after percutaneous transluminal angioplasty: Effects of tissue damage and hemodynamics on cellular activity
Corti, A, Colombo, M, Migliavacca, F, Berceli, SA, Casarin, S, Rodriguez Matas, JF & Chiastra, C 2022, , Computers in Biology and Medicine, vol. 147, 105753, pp. 105753.

Enhancing 223Ra Treatment Efficacy by Anti- ß1 Integrin Targeting.
Paindelli, C, Casarin, S, Wang, F, Diaz-Gomez, L, Zhang, J, Mikos, AG, Logothetis, CJ, Friedl, P & Dondossola, E 2022, , Journal of Nuclear Medicine, vol. 63, no. 7, pp. 1039-1045.

A predictive multiscale model of in-stent restenosis in femoral arteries: linking haemodynamics and gene expression with an agent-based model of cellular dynamics
Corti, A, Colombo, M, Rozowsky, JM, Casarin, S, He, Y, Carbonaro, D, Migliavacca, F, Matas, JFR, Berceli, SA & Chiastra, C 2022, , Journal of the Royal Society Interface, vol. 19, no. 188, 20210871, pp. 20210871.

Deep Learning for Automated Analysis of Cellular and Extracellular Components of the Foreign Body Response in Multiphoton Microscopy Images
Sarti, M, Parlani, M, Diaz-Gomez, L, Mikos, AG, Cerveri, P, Casarin, S & Dondossola, E 2022, , Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, vol. 9, 797555, pp. 797555.

Multiscale Computational Modeling of Vascular Adaptation: A Systems Biology Approach Using Agent-Based Models
Corti, A, Colombo, M, Migliavacca, F, Rodriguez Matas, JF, Casarin, S & Chiastra, C 2021, , Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, vol. 9, 744560.

Enhancing Radium 223 treatment efficacy by anti-beta 1 integrin targeting
Paindelli, C, Casarin, S, Feng, W, Gomez, L-D, Zhang, J, Mikos, AG, Logothetis, CJ, Friedl, P & Dondossola, E 2021, , Journal of Nuclear Medicine.

Baseline local hemodynamics as predictor of lumen remodeling at 1-year follow-up in stented superficial femoral arteries
Colombo, M, He, Y, Corti, A, Gallo, D, Casarin, S, Rozowsky, JM, Migliavacca, F, Berceli, S & Chiastra, C 2021, , Scientific Reports, vol. 11, no. 1, 1613, pp. 1613.

In silico deceased donor intervention research: A potential accelerant for progress
Hobeika, MJ, Casarin, S, Saharia, A, Mobley, C, Yi, S, McMillan, R, Mark Ghobrial, R & Gaber, AO 2021, , American Journal of Transplantation, vol. 21, no. 6, pp. 2231-2239.

In-Stent Restenosis Progression in Human Superficial Femoral Arteries: Dynamics of Lumen Remodeling and Impact of Local Hemodynamics
Colombo, M, He, Y, Corti, A, Gallo, D, Ninno, F, Casarin, S, Rozowsky, JM, Migliavacca, F, Berceli, S & Chiastra, C 2021, , Annals of Biomedical Engineering, vol. 49, no. 9, pp. 2349-2364.

Relationship between hemodynamics and in-stent restenosis in femoral arteries
Corti, A, Colombo, M, Migliavacca, F, Rodriguez Matas, JF, Casarin, S & Chiastra, C 2021, . in Biomaterials , Education and digital technology for patient management in vascular surgery.

An agent-based model of prostate Cancer bone metastasis progression and response to Radium223
Casarin, S & Dondossola, E 2020, , BMC Cancer, vol. 20, no. 1, 605, pp. 605.

A multiscale computational framework of in-stent restenosis: linking gene dynamics and hemodynamics to an agent-based model of cellular dynamics
Casarin, S, Chiastra, C, Migliavacca, F, Colombo, M, rozowsky, J, Berceli, S & he, Y 2020, , Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference, 6/17/20 - 12/20/20.

Single gene therapies to improve the longevity of peripheral bypasses: a systems biology - multiscale modeling approach
Casarin, S, Garbey, M, rozowsky, J & Berceli, SA 2020, European Symposium of Vascular Surgery - Translational Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden, 4/2/20 - 4/3/20, .

In-stent restenosis in superficial femoral arteries: dynamic vessel remodeling and impact of local hemodynamics
Corti, A, Casarin, S, Colombo, M, Migliavacca, F, Chiastra, C, Rodriguez Matas, JF & Berceli, S 2020, , Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference, 6/17/20 - 12/20/20.

Computational modeling of atherosclerosis: sensitivity analysis towards a quantitative calibration
Casarin, S, Corti, A, Chiastra, C, Colombo, M, Garbey, M & Migliavacca, F 2020, , Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference, 6/17/20 - 12/20/20.

Towards a patient-specific multiscale framework of in-stent restenosis: integration of hemodynamics and gene expression with an agent-based model of cellular dynamics
Corti, A, Casarin, S, rozowsky, J, Colombo, M, Migliavacca, F, Rodriguez Matas, JF, Berceli, S & Chiastra, C 2020, , Virtual Physiological Human , 8/24/20 - 8/28/20.

A fully coupled computational fluid dynamics – agent-based model of atherosclerotic plaque development: Multiscale modeling framework and parameter sensitivity analysis
Corti, A, Chiastra, C, Colombo, M, Garbey, M, Migliavacca, F & Casarin, S 2020, , Computers in Biology and Medicine, vol. 118, 103623, pp. 103623.

An in silico model of prostate cancer bone metastasis growth and response to Radium223
Casarin, S & Dondossola, E 2020, , European Conference of Mathematical and Theoretical Biology, 8/31/20 - 9/4/20.

An in silico model of prostate cancer bone metastasis growth and response to Radium223
Casarin, S & Dondossola, E 2020, , 8th Annual Houston Methodist Cancer Symposium, 8/7/20.