Fred J. Bressler, MD, FACS

Assistant Professor of Clinical Otolaryngology , Academic Institute
Houston Methodist
Weill Cornell Medical College


Perceptions and Understanding of Transgender Patient Care: A Survey of Practicing Facial Plastic Surgeons
Swonke, ML, Brissett, AE, Khan, NS, Kain, JJ, Bressler, FJ, Malik, AI, Syed, TA & Strum, AK 2024, , Facial Plastic Surgery.

Revision Rhinoplasty: With Introduction of a Novel Preoperative Assessment Classification System
Jiang, A, Chamata, ES & Bressler, FJ 2021, , Seminars in Plastic Surgery, vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 78-87.

Bifid epiglottis
Goldenberg, JD, Holinger, LD, Bressler, FJ & Hutchinson, LR 1996, , Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology, vol. 105, no. 2, pp. 155-157.

Surgery of the aging face: Advances and functional considerations in facial plastic surgery
Kridel, RWH & Bressler, FJ 1993, , Medical Clinics of North America, vol. 77, no. 3, pp. 657-675.

The Pectoralis Major Myofascial Flap for Intraoral and Pharyngeal Reconstruction
Shindo, ML, Costantino, PD, Friedman, CD, Pelzer, HJ, Sisson, GA & Bressler, FJ 1992, , Archives of Otolaryngology--Head and Neck Surgery, vol. 118, no. 7, pp. 707-711.