learning experiences

Required Learning Experiences (all one month in duration, except as noted)

  • Orientation/Initial Skills Assessment
  • Kidney/Pancreas Transplant I, II
  • Liver Transplant I, II
  • Heart Transplant I
  • Lung Transplant I, II
  • Clinical Research (longitudinal, yearlong duration)
  • Professional Practice Management (longitudinal, yearlong duration)
  • Outpatient Transplant Clinic (longitudinal, occurs over last 6 months of residency program)

Elective Learning Experiences (all one month in duration)
May be selected from, but not limited to, the following:

  • Kidney/Pancreas Transplant III
  • Heart Transplant II
  • Transplant ICU & MCS Devices
  • Infectious Diseases
  • Pediatrics


  • Clinical staffing every 3rd weekend primarily as a clinical pharmacist on the transplant floors and one weekday evening shift every two weeks, averaged over a four week period
  • Residents will work one major and one minor holiday

Presentation Opportunities

  • Poster presentation at Vizient Pharmacy Network Meeting
  • Platform presentation at Midwest Pharmacy Residents Conference
  • One hour ACPE-accredited continuing education program

Research Experience

  • Major research project with guidance of a preceptor and the Pharmacy Research Committee
  • Medication use evaluation or quality analysis of existing protocols

Professional Meetings
Funding is provided for:

  • ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting (in conjunction with Vizient Pharmacy Network Meeting)
  • Midwest Pharmacy Residents Conference
  • One professional transplant meeting (e.g. American Transplant Congress or ISHLT Annual Meeting)