Patient Stories

Houston Methodist neurologists, neurosurgeons and specialists are pioneers in scientific research and innovative treatment advancements for complex, often rare, conditions.  

At Houston Methodist, patients find hope and healing with a team of specialists who are on the pulse of science and new treatments, and who are dedicated to delivering the best possible care in the U.S.  Here are some of their stories.

Houston Methodist Hospital is ranked Best in Texas and No. 13 in the nation by U.S. News & World Report for Neurology & Neurosurgery. U.S. News & World Report has also named Houston Methodist Hospital one of the nation’s best as a nationally ranked Honor Roll hospital. Learn more.

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

Karen’s story

Karen Toennis’ husband was treated for ALS at Houston Methodist’s MDA-ALSA clinic. Today, she serves as the clinic coordinator.

Kevin’s story

Kevin Kinchen, who has a sporadic form of ALS, talks about how he lives every day to the fullest.

Monique’s story

Monique Green, a nurse practitioner and single mom with ALS, describes how her challenges are similar to those of her patients with HIV.

Alzheimer's Disease

Janice and John’s story

For nearly 50 years, Janice and John Sachs finished each other’s sentences. Today, Janice’s Alzheimer’s disease has left John to do most of the talking. 

Jim Nantz’s story

CBS sportscaster Jim Nantz shares how his father's struggle with Alzheimer's disease inspired him to establish the Houston Methodist Nantz National Alzheimer Center.

Brain and Pituitary Tumors

Matt’s story

When he was initially diagnosed with glioblastoma, Matt Futer was given less than 3 months to live. After successful treatment with an experimental gene therapy clinical trial, however, he has been cancer-free for more than 10 years.

Jed’s story

Jed Duplantis thought he had a sinus infection — it turned out to be a large pituitary tumor pressing on his optic nerve. See how endoscopic surgery restored his health.

Stratton’s story

Stratton Muhmel was diagnosed with glioblastoma, an aggressive brain tumor. Refusing to give up, he came to Houston Methodist after learning about an experimental new treatment that has given hope to people with the condition.

Marcie’s story

Left untreated, Marcie Lester's condition could have blinded her. After a minimally invasive neurosurgery to remove a pituitary tumor, she regained total function.

Kristen’s story

Kristen Daniell struggled with migraine headaches that became progressively worse, eventually leading to partial paralysis. Tests revealed a tennis-ball-sized brain tumor — see how neurological surgery led her to a full recovery.

Nancy’s story

Doctors found a tumor in Nancy Green’s brain that was interfering with her speech and interpretation of words. See how an awake craniotomy procedure restored her function and quality of life.

Adnand’s story

See how surgery restored Adnand Mizra’s quality of life after a neurofibromatosis diagnosis — and why he views his doctors as family.

Belinda’s story

After experiencing progressive vision loss, Belinda Amboree was diagnosed with a pituitary tumor that was pressing on her optic nerve. She regained total function after having endoscopic surgery to remove the tumor.

Doug’s story

After Doug Wood sustained severe head injuries in a bicycle accident, imaging revealed a significant tumor that was partially compressing his spinal cord. Surgery removed the tumor and gave him a new lease on life.


Britton’s story

Playing soccer for several years left Britton Cartwright with concussions and migraines. See how treatment from the specialists at Houston Methodist restored her quality of life.

Movement & Functional Disorders

John’s story

After being diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, John Sinclair received deep brain stimulation (DBS) to reduce stiffness, tremors and involuntary movement disorders.


Nicki’s story

At 28 years old, Nicki James Petrelli had an ischemic stroke while attending church. See how tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) saved her life.

Chris’ story

Chris Bolio felt clumsy and uncoordinated, bumping into walls and losing balance days after competing in a triathlon. A hole in his heart caused him to have a stroke, and treatment at Houston Methodist quickly put him back on course.

Tokashemia’s story

Tokashemia Carter had a patent foramen ovale (PFO) — a hole in the heart, which led to a stroke. Since participating in a Houston Methodist clinical trial, she has regained total function and is living her best life.