Movement & Functional Disorders

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Movement disorders — like Parkinson’s or Huntington’s — can present symptoms ranging from mildly inconvenient to completely disabling. Houston Methodist’s dedicated team of specialists uses the latest and most effective therapies to address your symptoms. 

Movement and functional disorders include a group of chronic neurological conditions that cause problems with movement, thinking, voice, emotion and behavior. Early symptoms of these disorders may appear between ages 35 and 50, progressing for the next several years.   

Although there are not yet cures for these conditions, specialized care can reduce the day-to-day impacts of your symptoms. Houston Methodist’s movement and functional neurologists can help preserve your baseline abilities and improve your strength to live a fuller, healthier life.  

Conditions We Treat

Doctor explaining brain scan on tablet to patient
Explore specific movement and functional disorders, as well as diagnosis and treatment information.

World-Class Essential Tremor Care

Essential tremor is the most common movement disorder in the U.S. Explore advanced, research-driven treatment options at Houston Methodist.

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