Esophageal Manometry with Provocation

The esophageal manometry test with provocation can diagnose muscular disorders of the esophagus for patients with unexplained chest pain or difficulty swallowing. The test is performed while the patient receives medication to provoke symptoms in a controlled environment.
About the Esophageal Manometry with Provocation Procedure
Do not eat or drink anything after midnight prior to the day of your test. Do not smoke the day of your test. If you are an asthma patient bring your inhaler. It is preferable to stop taking medications 24 hours prior to testing, but you should consult with your physician regarding discontinuing medications. Drugs such as nitrates, calcium channel blockers, theophylline, metoclopramide or sedatives may affect esophageal motor activity.
The test involves inserting a very small catheter through the nose, down the back of the esophagus and into the stomach. The catheter is slowly withdrawn while you swallow sips of water and pressures are recorded in the esophagus. Medications are given intravenously and you will be asked to report any symptoms experienced during this time and whether it is like your usual symptoms. The test lasts 60 to 90 minutes.

Some patients may experience throat discomfort and nosebleed.

You may drive yourself home after the procedure.