Bone & Joint Clinic Relocation

We are pleased to announce that Bone & Joint Clinic of Houston is relocating its Texas Medical Center location from O’Quinn Tower to Houston Methodist effective July 5, 2016.

New location:
6550 Fannin Street 
Smith Tower, Suite 2601
Houston, TX 77030

Please note our phone number and fax number will stay the same. Those numbers are:
Office: 713.790.1818
Fax: 713.790.7500

All of us at Bone & Joint Clinic of Houston are grateful for the opportunity to care for you and your family and we are committed to making this transition as seamless as possible. To learn more or to obtain directions, call 713.790.1818.

Smith Tower is located across from Houston Methodist Hospital on Fannin Street and opposite the Scurlock Tower on University Blvd. The building occupies the entire block at the intersection of Main St., University, and Fannin. 

Valet and self-parking is available in Smith Tower, as well as all of the Houston Methodist buildings.  If you park in another building, you can access Smith tower via a crosswalk on the second floor.  Additionally, the elevator bank that will take you to the office is on the second floor of Smith Tower.